Yoga, Hernia and Madonna

Yoga, Hernia and Madonna


Energizing Yoga, the oldest law of personal improvement needs no introduction nowadays and is becoming popular all over the world because of its big physical and medical benefits. People are practicing yoga exercises in millions all over the world, thanks to the media which is highlighting the benefits of yoga for normal public.


However, like every other science, yoga is also a literal, science. The ask is: 'Are all yoga exercises safe to be practiced by all People with discrete health conditions?'
"This is the ask which requires deeper digging into the branch of yoga itself, otherwise the consequences of doing yoga institution could be more risky than beneficial" said Subodh Gupta, the Yoga scholar from India.

"While some of the yoga exercises can be taught honestly without much complication and have discrete benefits, others can be very risky for People who are having qoute of Hernia. For example, the yoga exercises like Sun Salutation, Cobra pose, Locust pose, Bow pose, Standing transmit Bend and Kapalabhati few to name are strictly not recommended if somebody is diagnosed with hernia as these exercises may make the hernia qoute worse" said Subodh Gupta, the Yoga scholar based in London.

Considering the fact that over half a million hernia operations were performed in the United States last year and more than 2 percent of British People are affected by hernia, the ask to ask is if all yoga practitioners are aware of their health health and precautions before starting the Yoga exercise. Madonna, the renowned singer who practices Ashtanga yoga usually recently had an operation for hernia ( Ashtanga yoga exercise series is a law advanced by Mysore based renowned Indian Yoga guru Shri K Pattabhi Jois ). In fact, the renowned Ashtanga yoga series which involves jumping can be very risky for People who are having qoute of Hernia" agreeing to Subodh Gupta. Hernia develops when the outer layers of the abdominal wall weakens, bulge or honestly rip. Among many reasons for hernia the most common is straining due to: jumping, defecation, coughing, lifting heavy objects, etc.

'Are precautions for discrete yoga exercises safely delivered by yoga Gurus?' 'Are yoga practitioners listening precautions before starting their yoga practice?'
"Well, this is a serious point to consider by all who are teaching yoga and also for People who are practicing yoga. The practitioners need to understand that their ignorance and lack of yoga knowledge may lead them right into an operation room".

A noble exertion has been done by some of the renowned yoga gurus from India and the teachers from the West to spread the awareness of yoga but unless Yoga exercises are done with precautions, more and more People will get injured without realizing.

Issued in public interest by Subodh Gupta, Yoga scholar from India, for all those who are studying yoga without taking precautions.



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