Five leading Rules for Yoga

Five leading Rules for Yoga


The word "Yoga" drives from Indian Sanskrit "yug" or "yuj" which means harmony and accordance. It is a primary thinking and corporal discipline, originated in India, which helps habitancy to originate their potentiality. The essences of yoga lies in attaining thinking peace, improving concentration powers, harmony in connection and a relaxed state of living. Yoga postures are easy to learn and heighten their capability in psychology, emotion, spirit and physiology. In recent years, Yoga becomes a popular exercise, especially for women because it has many benefits.

The most leading advantage of yoga is corporal and thinking therapy. Study shows that yoga can sacrifice the catabolic process of cell deterioration and slow down the aging process because it could keep your body in clean, flexible and well lubricated states. And yoga is a good thinking therapy which could work on all principles and organs of the body agreeing to medical experts. It is a preventive and medical therapy.


The word "Yoga" drives from Indian Sanskrit "yug" or "yuj" which means harmony and accordance. It is a primary thinking and corporal discipline, originated in India, which helps habitancy to originate their potentiality. The essences of yoga lies in attaining thinking peace, improving concentration powers, harmony in connection and a relaxed state of living. Yoga postures are easy to learn and heighten their capability in psychology, emotion, spirit and physiology. In recent years, Yoga becomes a popular exercise, especially for women because it has many benefits.

The most leading advantage of yoga is corporal and thinking therapy. Study shows that yoga can sacrifice the catabolic process of cell deterioration and slow down the aging process because it could keep your body in clean, flexible and well lubricated states. And yoga is a good thinking therapy which could work on all principles and organs of the body agreeing to medical experts. It is a preventive and medical therapy.

And then, habitancy with high blood pressure, back pain and respiration qoute could get many benefits from yoga. For high blood pressure people, yoga could pay a sure role in treatment. Under quarterly custom of yoga, habitancy with respiration qoute could moderately control their breath. In brief, yoga is conducive to people's health.

But yoga has its own features. You could abide by some rules when you custom yoga. At first, you should choose the best time to go yoga. Generally speaking, habitancy go yoga in the morning, afternoon and at noon. Actually, you could custom it all the day if only your stomach is empty. In other words, you shouldn't custom it within three hours after meals. But yogi believes that four to six o'clock in the morning is the best time.

And then, place plays an leading role. You'd good to custom it in a clean and comfortable room with enough space for stretching yourself. Green plants, flowers and soft music can help you to relax nerves. An open area without gale, pollution and strong sunlight is also a great selection to custom yoga.

Third, some props are necessarily. Yoga mat has a cushioning operation and help you to keep balance. For beginners, yoga rope, yoga strap, yoga socks, and yoga block are other necessities to custom some difficult postures. By the way, you could buy a yoga mat on online stores because they usually sell yoga mat with other props. It is easy and suitable for you to prepare for the learning.

Fourth, the cloth should be loose and soft. The cotton material is the best choice. When you custom it, you should take off shoes, socks (except for in winter), watch, glass, belt and other accouterments.

Fifth, it isn't a good habit to custom yoga twenty minutes before and after taking a shower. It could hurt your health and consume your energy if you take a shower before custom it. The blood circulation could speed up after take a shower. In this way, it could increase your blood pressure, and add the burden on heart. The best way is taking a cold shower after custom it.

Yogic principles and custom increases self-knowledge which is a spiritual sort pertaining to grasp something about the nature. You could get lost in a rush of activities and push of desires after you are at peace, as a being and at rest state.


Friends Link : The Food Pyramid Yoga Yoka

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